Team of dentists with extensive experience

At DentArbre Dental Clinic we have a team of 7 dentists, professionals with impeccable ethics, empathetic approach and care for each patient.

Team of dentists with extensive experience

Dr. Nicoleta Taran

General Dentist
Dr. Nicoleta Taran

Dr. Ciprian Calciu

General Dentist
Dr. Ciprian Calciu

Dr. Laura Roșca

Specialist Doctor in Orthodontics and Dento-Facial Orthopedics
Dr. Laura Roșca

Dr. Carmen-Nicoleta Radu

Doctor Specialist in Implantology and Dento-Alveolar Surgery
Dr. Carmen-Nicoleta Radu

Dr. Cosmin Miu

Doctor Specialist in Implantology and Dento-Alveolar Surgery
Dr. Cosmin Miu

Fully equipped dental clinic

3 dental units iTALO Keep It Simple & Smart
The concept is: innovation; new design to improve the comfort of the patient and the daily practice. Essential electronic components to minimize the assistance need, high performance and easy maintenance.
Autoclave 22 liters Onyx B with Pura demineralization system
Autoclave is the key device within each medical structure, therefore it is fundamental choosing a well-known and referenced product ONYX B is the new Tecno-Gaz autoclave, a world leading Company for many years.
CJ Optik Advanced endodontic microscope
The endodontic microscope helps the dentist to have a much greater visibility of the affected area and to be in control during the intervention. Obviously, the time of the intervention is also shortened, reducing the emotional impact on the patient, as well as the amount of anesthetics administered.
Fully equipped dental clinic
Aoralscan 3 – The New Intraoral Scanner by SHINING 3D
It improves the overall clinical experience allowing users to easily acquire digital impressions in a faster and more accurate way. Powerful and intelligent data processing capabilities make Aoralscan 3 the perfect companion. Aoralscan 3 can be applied for a wide range of clinical indications, always providing a state-of-the-art user experience with the best results.
Litemedics PRIME dental laser – Power 12 Watt, wave 980nm
The diode dental laser has the role of helping both the doctor and the patient, the treatments being usually painless, and the healing much faster than in the case of classic dental treatment methods. Designed and manufactured in Italy, LITEMEDICS dental lasers are the perfect combination of quality and safety. This dental laser has a wide applicability in dentistry: endodontics, surgery, biostimulation or teeth whitening.
VDW.Gold Reciproc - endomotor with integrated apex locator, high performance
High performance for rotary & reciprocating root canal preparation Powerful preparation and precise length determination in one device Safety features for a smooth & successful preparation

You can leave a request absolutely free of charge and our manager will contact you on your questions.

+40787877799 | +40762573398
București, Romania
Șoseaua Colentina, nr. 16, Bl. A1, Complex Rose Garden, Sector 2, Zona Obor - Colentina - Doamna Ghica