How much do dental braces cost in 2024?

Orthodontics - Dental Braces

About dental braces

Some time ago, braces were considered a luxury, and the question "how much do braces cost" made some patients think. Today, however, more and more people are turning to them, and the fact that it is almost a trend encourages even the most undecided. In addition, thanks to technology, you can opt for wearing one even at older ages, not only during childhood.

Braces have the role of straightening dento-alveolar incongruities and correcting the bite, which can lead to much more serious problems over time. This is achieved by continuous pressure on the teeth, for a determined period of time, which induces their controlled movement in a certain direction.

Abnormal positions of the teeth, dental spacing and crowding, narrow arches, a disproportion in the dento-maxillary apparatus, all these anomalies are more and more frequently encountered nowadays. Their treatment is necessary both for aesthetic reasons and for reasons of dento-maxillary health. Left untreated, these irregularities can lead to physiognomic problems, temporomandibular joint problems, periodontal disease, etc. Therefore, regardless of how much a dental appliance costs, we must take care of the health of our teeth.

In children, braces can be applied starting at the age of 6-7, but in certain situations it may be indicated even earlier. The pressure changes every month, so the only thing the patient feels is a slight discomfort and tension in the first days after changing the elastics.

According to the method of anchoring, we can distinguish the following types of orthodontic appliances:

Movable orthodontic appliance (orthodontic plates) that are mounted with the help of anchoring elements. Mobile orthodontic appliance (functional) which are orthodontic appliances without anchoring elements. Fixed braces that are fixed to the dental arch by cementing and bonding.

Depending on the component materials, fixed dental appliances can be made of non-metallic (sapphire, ceramic, plastic), metallic or mixed materials. Respectively, this factor determines how much a dental appliance costs.

Removable orthodontic braces

The advantages of wearing removable orthodontic braces:

helps to develop the jaw and mandible; no painful action is felt; helps to create the necessary space for the teeth to erupt; solves the problem of crowding and abnormal tooth eruptions; can be applied from an early age; repairs and changes are made easily; hygiene is easy to maintain in optimal conditions, being easy to remove from the oral cavity; low cost.


like any dental appliance, it can create a slight discomfort at the beginning but which will disappear in a few days; it must be sanitized every day; the possibility of deformation of some elements if handled carelessly.

Instructions for wearing the braces:

it is recommended to wear it for at least 19 hours a day; the device can be removed between meals, only on the doctor's prescription it will be worn during meals; wearing it will not be interrupted even for a day, as there is a risk of relapse; during meals, the device it will be stored in its special box.

Functional braces

​They are structures without anchoring systems and that act with the help of muscles. Most functional appliances are worn to correct the functions of the dento-maxillary apparatus, most often the dysfunctions include an abnormal position of the mandible. Orthodontic treatment with a functional device lasts at least 1 year because the teeth, muscles and temporomandibular joint require time for accommodation and especially correct positioning.

Fixed dental braces

​The most famous dental appliances are the classic, fixed ones, with brackets on the visible face of the teeth and which can be applied at any age. Fixed braces are recommended for treating dysfunctions of permanent teeth. Fixed braces are of several types: metal braces, ceramic braces, sapphire braces and invisible braces. In principle, all fixed dental appliances act the same, the only difference being the one related to the degree of visibility, hence the price difference between them.

The average duration of treatment is 1 year and a half, two. However, depending on the complexity and seriousness of the case treated, it can extend up to several years.


  • Controlled repositioning; 
  • Possibility of use from childhood; 
  • Obtaining lasting results; 
  • Faster treatment


  • requires wearing the braces 24/24 hours; 
  • slight discomfort and dental sensitivity in the first days; 
  • dental hygiene more difficult; 
  • avoiding hard, sticky foods.

So, how much do braces cost?

Type of dental braces Price of dental braces / arch
METALIC dental braces / arch 2.200 RON
CERAMIC dental braces / arch 3,000 RON
SAFIR dental braces / arch 3,500 RON
DAMON dental braces / arch 4,000 RON
Mobile dental braces 1,100 RON
Spark 10 invisible dental aligners (per arch) 6,500 RON
Spark 10 invisible braces full (both arches) 8,500 RON
Spark 20 invisible braces (per arch) 12,000 RON
Spark 20 invisible braces full (both arches) 15,000 RON
Spark Advanced Invisible Braces (per arch) 18,000 RON
Spark Advanced Invisible Braces (both arches) 20,000 RON
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